Thursday, September 01, 2005

I've Been Interviewed!

On his August 16th post, MyFriendJason has a five question circulating "interview", and I decided to participate and let myself be interviewed, completely contrary to my usual misanthropic nature. So this "game" is not dissimilar to a chain letter, but what the heck...for what its worth, here is the "interview" of me by MFJ, followed by instructions for future players:

1.What one physical object that you have lost, do you miss the most?
In one of my early careers as a veterinary assistant, I removed my high school class ring when I was performing a procedure on an animal. Somehow it got lost. The ring itself doesn't mean much (neither does high school for that matter), but I purchased the ring with the funds in a bank account my deceased, and much beloved, grandmother had started for me when I was an infant. So it was really a reminder of her, not my graduation. It would be pretty cheesy to wear a high school class ring at my age, but I think I would still really like to have it.

2. Describe the most important attribute that a potential partner must have to make themselves attractive to you.

They have to get me, get the music and most of all, want it in equal measure.
Being small, trim and dark-haired doesn't hurt, either.

3. Imagine coffee has been outlawed in the US. Would you move to another country to continue having it, or risk prosecution and imprisonment by staying here? (This assumes you would not simply give up drinking it!)

Can't move to another country, mainly because getting a passport is too much bloody trouble.
So that leaves risking prosecution, which has conjured up glorious images of jazz-age bootlegging - underground Starbuck's with secret passwords - oh yes, bring back the fashions and music - and can I have a gun moll to call my own?

Give up drinking it? Are you mad? My body would disintegrate in 24 hours without the caffeine molecules that hold it together...

4. You are given control of one million dollars. You cannot spend it on yourself. How would you use it?

I would do three things:

a. $10,000 - Random Acts of Kindness - I'd get on and buy things from stranger's wishlists and take great pleasure at thought of the look on their faces when this box of treasures arrives at their house with no explanation

b. $290,000 - Supporting the Defenseless - I'd split $40,000 between groups that are protecting orcas and tigers, and $250,000 of the money would go to do whatever I could to stop logging the coast of British Columbia, the home of the spirit bear (Ursus americanus kermodei), a creature that should be allowed to live unmolested on the one piece of the earth that it calls home.

c. $700,000 - Urban Renewal - Refurbishing an old theatre and fulfilling my lifelong, deepest fantasy of having a urban venue that is constantly presenting something - theatre, film, lectures, comedians, readings, and most of all, of course, live music.

5. What three people (living or not) would you invite to a dinner party in your home, and why? (They must be real people - not fictional.)

Well, the key to this answer is that as a good hostess, you have to plan an event in which all of guests would get along, so that made my choices a bit different than my original inclinations.
My dinner guests are: Oscar Wilde, Julie Taymor and Camille Paglia. Why? Because all three are geniuses - real titans of intellect, as well as being artistic, theatrical and I wouldn't have to worry about keeping the conversation going. In fact, I'd just have to sit back and watch them try to get a word in around Camille. I am positive Oscar and Camille would be best buddies immediately. And, not being completely altruistic, I find both Julie and Camille extremely attractive, and Oscar could care less about them - good for me.

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying Interview me. Leave your blog address (if you have one or if I don't know you) so I can think of challenging questions for you.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. I'll post the questions in the comments section of this post. I'm going to limit this to three people, to both hedge my bets and to make sure this doesn't take over my life.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1 comment:

jasoneats said...

Ah, EXCELLENT! you have performed admirably, my young friend. amazing how you turned the coffee question into an opportunity to get yourself your own moll. now comes the hard part...when someone asks you to pose questions for them! {evil grin}