Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Controversy A'Brewin'

We had our little staff party at a great place called Dave and Buster's tonight after work.
50 of us descended on the place for 4 hours of buffet food, pool, socializing and game playing. It was great fun - AND - I got to try a new small-batch whisky because even though the have a button on their ordering screen for Knob Creek, they didn't have any. And it was real good.

All 50 of us got supercharged Power Cards, which entitled us to like 70 credits of game playing madness. They did not have any pinball machines, which I was sad about, but I found my groove on the old-school Centipede/Millipede machine, and then, blew everything on the truly cool Lost World: Jurassic Park shot-em-up game. Loved it!

Hollywood Stafford was there, enraptured with Ms Pac Man, as was MyFriendJason, equally enamoured with the Flaming Finger game (?), and we had a brief but intense discussion regarding the aforementioned display of corpses. Hollywood has been there, and his impression of the event was diametrically opposed to mine. He wrote a cool post about our difference of, well, not really opinion, our difference of experience I guess.

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