Saturday, August 27, 2005

Losing Two Bets In One Day

Beauregard Van Horn is fifty cents richer today, due to my hubris.

We were having a lovely conversation about "Our World" with Linda Ellerbee, and James Burkes' The Day The Universe Changed, when ol' Beau bet me that it was William Tecumseh Sherman who said," If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve."

Now, I was sure that I had just read that quote and it wasn't from Sherman. WRONG. It certainly was.

THEN, talking about the Red Hook Brewery in Seattle, Beau mentioned he liked the "bitter" brew - which I told him was Ballard Bitter - ya sure you betcha - and he said no.

Seems I forgot about ESB - the Extra Special Bitter, which just happens to be my BC's fav beverage of choice, and the beer loathed by my little pal, Duncan.

A devastating loss. I'll get you yet, Beauregard Van Horn. You wait and see...

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