Wednesday, August 03, 2005

For the Birds

1. As I was walking over to get a bagel and egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast on my "lunch" break at 9 am this morning, I saw a guy taking pictures of a store front. I walked up to him and asked him what he was shooting with, then instantly saw the flash of yellow on his neckstrap...

Yes, he was shooting with a Nikon D70, the very camera the CStL is saving up for! Not only did he let me hold it, and shoot a shot or two, he spent a long time telling me how very pleased he was with excellent product review. So, as he was showing me how easy it was to delete crappy pix, he was flipping thru the images , and showed me some great shots of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus)he took in a barn...he zoomed way in on the eye of one, said, "Look how blurry the eye is...bang! It's gone." Funny, nice guy.

2. Driving home from work, I wished I had his D70 with me...there on the on ramp to the highway was a dove sitting on a barbed wire fence. Yes, I am sure it is trite story, but it was pretty beautiful.

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