Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Reunited With a Old Friend

I've been having a huge urge to get outside and do some shooting (photography, not guns).

Today I got up early and grabbed by gear - my old friend, the Nikon N70. With a roll of color and roll of black and white film, and a fresh battery, and the obligatory stop at Starbuck's, I was off for my photography adventure.

I went to Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland Heights. It is well-known for its Victorian angels, which is one of my favorite subjects for photography. A few very famous folks are resting there, including President Garfield, Eliot Ness (The Untouchables) and Mr. John D. Rockefeller. I think because of these high profile and wealthy residents, the enormous, unending grounds of the cemetery are in meticulous upkeep. Which means that though there are indeed many, many statues in the cemetery, they are almost, without exception, in perfect condition. No missing limbs, decay or untimely decapitations to be found here.

I think that the most dramatic photos from this shoot came from two bronze statues that have excessive patina stains that look like either tears, or a very abstract Cirque du Soleil performer's make-up. Once I figure out the photo posting thing, I will share my findings with you.

My trip was over very quickly, even with two rolls of film, as I dedicated practically the entire B&W roll to one statue. This means a return trip is called for...and there is so much more cemetery to explore...

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