Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Lessons From The Animal Kingdom

I think maybe this idea fell out of Brownie's notebook...

It seems that the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) has found a very ingenious way of surviving floods. When the flood waters approach, the entire colony (workers, larvae, winged queen, everyone) abandons their mound and binds together into a floating ball until they drift onto higher, dry ground. During their odyssey, the ants continuously reposition themselves so that no ant is left underwater too long. ( No ant left behind...)

Humans have used their superior intellect to take advantage of the pest ant's ingenuity. It seems that if detergent is sprayed around the antball, the surface tension of the water is weakened and the entire mass sinks and drowns...

See a picture of the ant ball here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, captain, that's really icky.