Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Alliterative Case of The Pet Python and The Pampered Pooch

Ah, I can always count on Florida to cheer me up.

Today's headline is the case of an 11 foot Burmese Python, Diamond, vs. a rat terrier (Max). No contest, friends.

However, there were two decidely odd things about the story...

1. The dog owner unleashed the terrier outside, where the dog was grabbed by the snake. The owner went to his car and got a golf club and beat the snake. The snake released the dog. The dog died the next day.

Everyone is all mad at the snake...well, what about beating a snake with a golf club? What's with that? And what about keeping your dog leashed until it's inside? And was an autopsy done to establish the true cause of death anyway? I mean, maybe it was just Max's time...

2. Here's a quote from the story...

I keep a picture of him (the dog) in my wallet. We don't have kids. That was our child. We celebrated birthdays and holidays.

The owners also said that they would set a place for Max at the Thanksgiving dinner table, and the dog was to be the ring bearer at the owner's wedding next year.

So it is up to you to decide ... violent attack, or public service?

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