Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Breathtaking Inanity Overruled!

There are moments when I am so ashamed of where I was born, I just want to hang my head and claim roots elsewhere...

That is exactly how I felt recently when morons from Pennsylvania decided to teach "intelligent design" in the classroom.

But, and I consider this a holiday gift, while reading the NYT this morning I see that my new hero is now John E. Jones III, (I will now refer to him as JJJIII) the judge who so eloquently voiced my opinions in his decisions:

Judge Jones, a Republican appointed by President Bush, concluded that intelligent design was not science, and that in order to claim that it is, its proponents admit they must change the very definition of science to include supernatural explanations.

Judge Jones excoriated members of the Dover, Pennsylvania school board, who he said lied to cover up their religious motives, made a decision of "breathtaking inanity" and "dragged" their community into "this legal maelstrom with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources."

Let's all eat a banana in tribute to Mr. Scopes and JJJIII.

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