Thursday, December 22, 2005

Multiple Choice

An Egyptian tomb discovered in 1964 has become the subject of a raging controversy amongst the archaeologist types.

Seems that the tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, manicurists to the king, could be one of three things, depending on your interpretation of the facts. So, here are the candidates:

1. It is the tomb of two gay men
2. It is the tomb of twin brothers
3. It is the tomb of conjoined twins

It is a complete aberration that two people of equal stature would be buried together. Most tombs were built for a noble man and his family.

The tomb art depicts the two men embracing and “nose-kissing”, which the article claims was the preferred method of kissing in Egypt. Although the men were married, there is no depiction of the wives in any of the art inside the tomb.

I find it incredibly absurd that someone would posit the theory that they were conjoined twins as a way to explain two men embracing, especially when the two men are shown separately, performing activities like fishing in marshes. I am going to be mature and leave the most sophomoric joke about how they might have been conjoined completely alone.

And lest we forget, they were the ROYAL MANICURISTS. ‘Nuf said.

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