Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Good Day For Mad Scientists

Gentlemen, when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention. - Special Agent Dale Cooper

So today, a French woman, mauled by her pet Labrador Retriever, received the first human face transplant. I must admit to being confused over the controversy this announcement created. I mean, it isn't like they did a head transplant. The woman received the chin, lips and nose tissue from another French woman that committed suicide and was declared brain dead.

There are concerns about the woman's psychological ability to handle her appearance, which the doctor says will be an amalgamation of the two faces. I would worry about her ability to handle her and I quote, disfigured lipless grimace and her growing inability to open her mouth due to scar tissue formation.

So, if that isn't enough to whet your mad scientist appetite, score one for the fish! Seems an Israeli fisherman was rushed to a hospital with a nasty head wound - eight inches of a swordfish's sword was protruding from both sides of his cheeks. I wonder if he got a referral...

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