Thursday, January 06, 2005

Adventures in Auto Repair, Part II

Once Trish had moved to California, I realized that I had no one to keep a spare set of house and car keys. I have always given someone a set for two purposes: in case I lost them, and in case I died in my sleep then someone could come and find my decomposing body.

My general misanthropic tendencies lead me to not trust very many people, especially with the key to my house. So it was no small leap for me to ask someone to be my KeyKeeper, and it was quite comforting when they accepted the responsibility.

So I was having a conversation with the KeyKeeper, and casually mentioned that my sexy car seemed to have developed a serious problem - the gas tank was leaking causing me to have a fairly good headache by the time I would get to work.

Well, there are moments in your life when you know people aren't kidding around, when you know you better not even begin to argue with them, and the look in the KeyKeeper's eyes upon hearing this news meant that I was getting my car fixed the very next day.

Sadly, this as most automotive events do, did not fall on a financially feasible day. So the KeyKeeper made it all happen for me.

As did my friends at the local repair shop, who helped me out so economically with the Great Tail Light Episode. This repair was more substantial, and took a day and half. Not only did the folks give me a ride home, they picked me up in the morning and were finished well before I had to get on the road to go to work. They are great guys.

So now I have a fume-free ride to work and headaches now only occur AT work (that's a joke), and I am forever moved by the generosity and true friendship of my KeyKeeper. Thank you.

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