Tuesday, April 19, 2005

New Music Tuesday - Pete Belasco : Deeper

A self-described sucker for cover art, I was drawn to Pete Belasco's CD, Deeper, at the store today.

It was described as neo-soul / jazz, conjuring Marvin Gaye and Curtis Mayfield. How bad could it be? So I gave it a listen, and deemed it a very nice CD for quiet evenings alone. Well, not really alone...
There really isn't a stand-out track here; the tracks all ooze into one another to create a wonderful mood and ambiance. This is a disc to just put on, and enjoy yourself.

One caveat, men singing in falsettos - not usually a big favorite of mine, but in this setting it works due to the atmosphere evoked from the interplay of the vocals and the sax solos.

Indulge and enjoy.

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