Thursday, May 05, 2005

Birthday Festivities Continue

Following work today (which coincides with my weekend kick-off), I went to H__'s house, where I received many wonderful gifts. The beauty of knowing artists is that you can be fairly sure that on gift-giving occasions you will receive something handmade, original and wonderful.

H__ made a glorious card of vellum, with stitching and art work, as well as a necklace and wonderful shadowbox with a removable beaded Buddha face pin.

We left for dinner, and you will not believe this, I requested to go to Valerio's, a restaurant in Little Italy. Shocking, I know. We had a very nice meal of pollo au funghi, and a cappucino, then decided to walk about the neighborhood as it was a lovely and finally warm evening!

We wandered into Anthony's Cafe and each had a homemade latte gelato. That was pure heaven.

As we continued on our stroll, we found a gallery that appeared to be open, La Bella Vita. The owner, Barbara, invited us in, and we immediately were impressed by the incredible murals she had done on each wall. The place is a work of art – my favorite room is the small back “clearance” room, which is painted with deep orange clouds and a night sky...the room was once a bathroom, and I could just imagine soaking in a tub under the ceiling fan (the ceiling was at least 10' high) in this beautiful atmosphere...

H__ was in heaven, and dropped quite a bit of quid. We had a terrific time there. Sadly, as I had been up so early, I was getting very sleepy and had to call it a night.

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