Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Final Cut

I had been wanting to see this film for quite some time, and I really enjoyed it.

Robin Williams (in the third installment of strange roles –following Insomnia and One Hour Photo) plays the role of a future mortician-psychologist-filmmaker. In this version of the future, people have biochips implanted at birth which record everything they experience. At death, a Cutter (Williams) gets the memory chip, and edits together the pertinent moments and images from that person's life. His work is shown at a ceremony called “The ReMemory”.

The ideas raised in the film are quite good, and what I really enjoyed about the film was that both sides, the pros and the cons, the ethics and economics, of the issue were presented. The film clearly gave time to the protestors of the chip, and nicely answered some questions raised early in the film regarding their appearance.

I have to admit to seeing the final outcome long before it arrived, but that was ok. It still was a suspenseful film, well-crafted and certainly well-acted.

It is a film that lends itself to thought and discussion – and you don't get those too bloody often.

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