Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Policy Change

At times I have been hard pressed to come up with a name to disguise the identity of real people who make an appearance on the blog.

So, I have decided that from now on, when a good name does not present itself readily, I will resort to using that individual's porn/stripper/drag queen name.

This is a little game we play at work which never ceases to amuse me. Just take the name of your first pet and the street that you lived on, and Viola! You now have your porn/stripper/drag queen name – whichever is more appropriate for you.

I feel compelled to share with you my stripper name which is Misty Lang. If I went with my second pet, I would be Boots Osborne, which is most certainly a jazz saxophonist. My best friend's name would be Scruffy Butler, and I've decided Scruffy is Boots' drummer in the jazz band.

Somehow, I see a novel in this....

Please feel free to amuse me to no end, and post your name here...


Pronto said...

Well then....

My Boomer Taylor pales in comparison to your Misty Lang, methinks.......

Anonymous said...

Just call me Dolly Lafayette, sugar!