Monday, July 04, 2005

Things I Don't Know Much About

I grabbed this book right off the new release table. I have always had a fascination with the theatricality of the sport of bullfighting (I am a Taurus after all), and here was chance to actually learn something about it.

Death and the Sun: A Matador's Season in the Heart of Spain by Edward Lewine follows the very, very handsome Francisco Rivera Ordóñez, the lasin thehe line of the greatest bullfighting dynasty in Spain, as he trains and prepares for his season in "sun and shadow."

After finishing the book, I was consumed with researching all of the locations and toreadors that were mentioned and studied up on the greadynastiesys. And now I know how a bullfight operates. Whether or not you agree with the sport is one thing, understanding the grandeur of its history and its ritual is quite another.

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