Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ya Never Know Who You Are Going To Run Into, Part 2

I got off of work at 2 this afternoon, and rushed home in the hopes of catching the last two hours of the Akron Arts Expo, since it is in my neighborhood, and usually proves to be a good time.

So there I was, having finished my snack of a ketchup-y hotdog, and strolling about the fair, passing a lovely late afternoon which featured a terrific, cooling breeze when you weren’t in the direct sun. Suddenly, an arm wraps around my waist from behind (not a usual occurrence I am sad to report) and a voice says,"So, is that all you do on the weekends? Go to art shows?" And it was my NewlySingle friend who accompanied me at the Cain Park Arts show on the 9th!

In addition to the art, which was pleasant, they had the good sense to have some bagpipers. That always make my Celtic heart happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm...around your waist, eh?