Monday, January 02, 2006

A Day To Play With Scout

Today was our one and only full day to play. We thought we would go to the movies, and then stop into a local tea shop for tea and little sandwiches.

I decided that we should go to the big theatre, where all the screens feature reclining, stadium seating. So we get there, and seriously, the line went around the building. Is everyone off today, or what? So, we obviously weren't doing that.

We headed home and stopped into the two theatres by my house, and neither were playing anything we wanted to see. So we went to the tea place, and the hours I had written down were the HOLIDAY hours, and they weren't open.

So Scout decided she would just like a grilled cheese at home, a meal I am fairly adept at preparing.

But we passed a pet store, a place that takes in dogs and cats from shelters and lets them run around and be played with and not killed, and we decided to stop in for small animal therapy. There were zillions of kittens running about, and a few more sedate cats, and a lovely black lab was going to a new home. We had a great time watching the kitties play.

After we ate, I suggested we watch Mondovino, a documentary about winemaking and marketing. This could have been a great film, but "director" (one must use that in its most liberal sense as no direction is apparent) Nossiter's terrible editing and horrendous camera work (most of the film looks like it came from a camera strapped to the back of one of the ubiquitous dogs) made it almost unwatchable. The points he wants to discuss about the globalization of the wine industry are, indeed, fascinating, and many of the players he introduces us to are exception characters. But with little narrative and no clear direction for the film, it turns into a completely random stew that leaves the viewer constantly asking, Where is this going?" Very disappointing as a film, but I subsequently learned alot about the wine industry by doing some research.

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