Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Music Tuesday – Let Me Sing

You know, I always find out about these things too bloody late.

Annie Ross, the greatest of the jazz divas in my opinion, had been performing a cabaret show at Danny's Skylight Room in New York City. Here is an excerpt from a review of her show:

Annie Ross is an accomplished and experienced actress as well as singer; her enunciation is clear, the stress and phrasing acute, and with her easy charm, the package is complete. She dives deep into the lyrics and brings out the core with a sure sense of rhythm, stress, and savvy so personal you'll feel you're hearing her soul.

So I missed the show, but that didn't stop me from getting her NEW CD, Let Me Sing, which was recorded over two nights using solely head arrangements. What else should you expect from such embodiments of jazz performance?

Sure, she is sounding a bit her age. But listening to her is like listening to a living encyclopedia of jazz singing and performance. Music really is in her, and you can hear it in each subtle infliction, intonation and phrase.

The woman is a treasure. Thanks, Annie.

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