Monday, January 23, 2006

A More Discriminating Palate

I really don't not know how this current posting theme emerged, but let's recap, shall we?

The world's largest catfish (as big as a GRIZZLY BEAR, PEOPLE!) was caught in Thailand. It weighed 646 pounds. What did the fishermen who caught it do? Ate it. No mention how many hushpuppies accompanied the meal.

Then there was the fisherman who caught the rainbow trout with two mouths. He put it in his freezer and - again - he ate it.

(I am sure Cy, the cyclops kitten, currently being stored in a freezer in Oregon, is going to suffer the same fate...)

And of course, we have the alligator-eating python and the Siamese cat-eating python.

So, thanks to Scout for this little tidbit (or should I say Gohan!):

Seems that a Japanese rat snake refused to eat freeze-dried mice, so the keepers introduced a dwarf hamster into the snake's habitat. The keepers named the doomed hamster GOHAN, which means "meal" (I told you it was Doomed!)

But, the snake (named Aochan -which I think means "vegetarian"- in case you are curious) took a liking to the fur ball, and not in the "my what big eyes you have" sense. The predator and prey are best pals, so much so that the hamster crawls up on the snake to sleep sometimes.


And now for the final quote: “Let this be a lesson to humans. You don't have to eat everything.”

We'll see how the rest of the year goes. I am expecting the big story to break that hunter's in the backwoods shot a Bigfoot, but they BBQ'd it...

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