Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Naming Of iPods - A Nod To Eliot

The Naming of iPods is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I'm as a mad as a hatter
When I tell you , an iPod must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES

So when you have an iPod, one of the first tasks is to name it.

And since the iPod and I have become inseparable, I've come to discover that my iPod has a welcome, wicked sense of humor.

To wit, I leave it on shuffle songs, and allow it to play whichever of its current selection of 1,003 songs it desires. So, tonight it gave me Adam Ant's Stand and Deliver, followed by Yodeling Overtures by Australia's Queen of Yodeling, Mary Schneider.

This is the kind of artificial intelligence that makes a piece of machinery a cherished pal.

So, as for the naming, I considered Norman, because of its aforementioned psycho sense of humor, and Leopold, for maestro sensibilities. Then there was Grendel, because that was the name I was reserving for my next dog which looks more and more unlikely to be realized.

But the iPod's name is....Vincent.

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