Sunday, June 25, 2006

Paradigm Shift

DJ V was away for the weekend, and returned in time to meet me for brunch at First Watch, where they have a great oatmeal breakfast. I know, I know. But it is all about the presentation, People. They serve it on a platter, with a small dish of sliced bananas, a dish of brown sugar, a pitcher of cream, a buttered English muffin, and the bowl of hot, wonderful oatmeal.

AND, they leave a carafe of coffee on the table.

I love that place…

After work, DJ V came down to visit, and I made her sit through my film festival (her favorite was my Carnegie Museum dinosaur film), and the torture didn’t stop there - oh, no. I had to show off some of my better photographs. For having been such a good sport, I thought we should take an evening stroll up to Highland Square, where we stopped in at Angel Falls Coffeehouse for refreshments.

On the way there we saw the weirdest big bug on the sidewalk - some sort of cicada-cockroach-ish creepy thing. And we saw a fairly large, pale blue egg on the ground, and DJ V asked me if it was real. Upon investigation, I proclaimed that it probably was a fake, as most real eggs to not come with a golden, braided, looped umbilical cord attached to the top.

I must say, few things in life compare with a summer twilight walk amidst the magical twinkling of fireflies, with your arm around someone you are ridiculously fond of.

Following that came MyOwnPersonalParadigmShift - but I can’t tell you about that, or I’d have to kill you.

And, by the way, fireflies DO smell great. No matter that no one believes me. I know it is true. Really.

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