Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, No Wonder

You just never know what is going to happen when you spend the night with someone. Do they snore? Do they talk in their sleep or thrash about or get up a zillion times…ah, the DealBreaker possibilities are endless.

However, I am pleased to report, that DJ V has no observable bad habits, and wakes in a most pleasant mood.

And now I know why…

It seems that today is The Happiest Day Of The Year - at least according to a British researcher, Cliff Arnall.

He used a "simple equation" to reach his conclusion:

O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He

(For the mathematically challenged, O stands for outdoor activities, N for nature, S for social interaction, Cpm for childhood summers and positive memories, T for temperature and He for holidays and looking forward to time off)

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