Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Lion's Gift - Courage

I would be remiss to not report that on the way home from dining with Heather, I phoned the Phantom of San Diego. It seemed to me that if my pent-up anger of nine months still has not lessened in the slightest, it probably wasn't going to at any time in the near future, either. So I thought that just getting it out in the open might alleviate my frustration.

Amazingly, the Phantom answered the phone, and spoke with me - for a fairly long time. It was a good conversation, no yelling or defensiveness or any of that foolishness.

At the conclusion of the conversation, the Phantom thanked me for having the courage to call. And I am glad I did as well. The power of talking seems to have dissipated the anger - the cause of the anger is still quite clear in my mind, and I think that it is a good thing to always remember. It will prevent any potential backsliding. But my heart and head fell better not harboring such strong, bad feelings.

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